Prism Light Pod: Red Light Therapy

Our commercial red light therapy system uses advanced technology to create the deepest red light penetration of any photobiomodulation bed in the industry. With the pre-programmed six settings, clients can personalize each session to fit their needs and get them closer to their health goals.

powered by Glofox


  • 4-10x faster recovery process.

  • Accelerates healing of ligaments, tendons, muscles, stiffness & soreness

  • Reduces inflammation, nerve damage and autoimmune conditions

  • Regenerates thyroid follicular cells

  • Accelerates healing of open wounds and post-surgical procedures

  • Reduces wrinkles, improves skin tone and conditions

  • Shrinks fat cells


  • $49 per session

  • $100 Three Pack Session ($147 regular price)

  • $300 per Month Subscription (up to 12 sessions/month)