What is red light therapy?

Prism Light Pod’s whole-body red light therapy reduces pain and inflammation across your entire body, accelerating the healing process by increasing circulation and speeding up mitochondrial-based photo-cellular regeneration throughout the musculoskeletal system.

Is it safe?

LED red light therapy is safe to use every day, is non-invasive, and has virtually zero risks and side effects.

Can I receive Red Light Treatment during Pregnancy?

Healthcare professionals tend to advise against any sort of red light treatment during pregnancy, not because of evidence that it is unsafe but because there is a lack of evidence to that effect. They are merely erring on the side of caution. We recommend that you pause your treatment for a few months, there are no withdrawal effects and you can start or resume treatment immediately after delivery without missing a beat. In fact, red light therapy has been shown to help with a number of postpartum issues.

Are there any side effects?

Evidence and research shows that there are virtually no side effects. The most common complaint is of fatigue and redness of skin.

How often should I receive treatments?

It will depend upon the condition and desired result. If it is a skin condition or for weight loss, it is recommended three times per week for several months. If you suffer from chronic pain or inflammation then the red light treatments will be several times a week as well and recommended duration will be based on the client’s results.

How long is a treatment session?

Each red light session is 15 minutes long.

What do I wear while in the pod?

It is recommended that for the best results that there be no clothing barrier between the lights and the skin. Because red light does affect and shrink fat cells, It is recommended for individuals that do not want to have the reduction of fat cells over certain areas of the body to cover those areas (breast tissue).

Is eye protection required?

It is not required and the red light does not damage the eyes. Some clients do prefer to wear goggles. Eye protection is provided if you so choose to use it.

Do converted tanning beds offer the same benefits?

Be cautious of retrofitted red-tube tanning beds/services. Some tanning bed manufacturers have replaced harmful UV ray fluorescent tube lighting with red-color tub lighting and resell those tanning beds as “full-body red light therapy systems.” DON’T BE FOOLED. Those systems DO NOT deliver photo cellular healing because their gas emission-based tub-LEDs do not emit the proper irradiance for delivering mitochondrial healing. They may provide some level of anti-wrinkling, but cannot offer wellness benefits beyond that.

Authentic photobiomodulation therapy systems containing thousands of industrial LEDs, not tube-lights, deliver true photobiomodulation– deep mitochondrial healing with a myriad of health benefits.

Targeted vs full body red light therapy

The broader approach of full body red light therapy provides treatment to a larger area, making it ideal for targeting more parts of the body at once. Full body treatment also enables the more holistic benefits of red light therapy.

Red light treatment provides rejuvenation and recovery by speeding up the body’s natural healing processes. Stimulating energy production and cell regeneration across the whole body enhances this process and provides whole-body healing effects, such as improved blood flow, lowered inflammation, and increased collagen levels.